Countryside problems and solutions :)

Our house warms up mainly because of baking oven. It means chopping logs, carrying them thru the snow inside, burning fire every day when it's cold and wearing woolsocks. You might think that's romantic? Cozy? *?&%%€#shit it is. We just bought a wrong house ;)

But sometimes, It's pretty cool to make something delicious in baking oven. Yesterday evening we run out of bread so I made this bread in there. I have only this iron casserole and for baking it is not the best choise. Things are burnt easily and there can be a slight taste of iron in the food.

This time I figured something convenient though. I buttered casserole with coconut butter and I tossed some cuos-cuos grains there, so that my dough woudn't  stick. It worked :)

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Surface of the bread is really nice from all over, there's no taste of iron and it was super easy to take out from the casserole.


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