I have been a while in a quest of my next mission. World seems to be so messed up, and it's hard to know where to invest and what to believe. Is there something bigger than me? Enthusiastic entreprenour and chef in me is struggling. So, I reached for the skyes.. and I wrote to Gordon Ramsay :) Very kindly he answered that he is too busy to give an interview for me, but he hoped for all the best. I'm too afraid of possible law suites, so I'm not going to publish those emails. Nevertheless, He does exist, even he didn't give a answers ;)
I used to have a friend who wanted it all. She just didn't know what she wanted, and she couldn't focus on anything. She ended up loosing it all. Including me as a friend.
I noticed that I have similar symptoms. When I realized that even watching Gordon or magic tricks don't work, I'm in desperate need of sun and inspiration from somewhere else. Tomorrow we are taking off to the sun;)
Olen 37 vuotta nuori, kokki, yrittäjä, aarteenetsijä, äiti, vaimo ja nyt siis myös blogisti 😉 Kaikki nuo yllämainitut ovat muokanneet minusta sen mitä nyt olen. Kyyninen, itsekeskeinen, väsynyt, tarkkanäköinen ja hauska aina väärällä hetkellä. Tämä on blogi missä kerron asiat kuten ne itse näen, liittyen elämän kaikkiin alueisiin, mutta lähinnä kuitenkin ruokaan. Olen suomalainen parhaassa iässä ja aikamoinen pastanjauhaja 😉 Tervetuloa 🙂
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