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We helped our relatives on sunday and as a return we got a nice piece of moose shoulder. Moose is a tricky thing to prepare so that it is not dry, tasteless or chewing gum. To avoid any kind of mistakes I did a pulled moose out of it.
It turned out moist, even I didn't add any pork or grease with it in the oven. Usually those are compulsory, because moose is sooo dry. I made a BBQ- sauce which I mixed with pulled moose and IT WAS GREAT :) Normal sides with this would be smashed potatoes, veggies, lingonberry jam..Boring stuff ;)
So I desided to make chinese buns. Problem was that I don't have chinese steam-plate, so I created this "steam-miracle-machine". In a pan I had about 1 litre of boiling water, oven grate, bambucarpet (for sushi making), parchment paper and cake dome. I made some holes to the parchment paper and after a while, steam started to rise as it should and my buns came beautiful!
Fabulous steamed buns filled with bbq-pulled moose and buds :)
[gallery ids="1541,1540,1539" type="rectangular"]
Olen 37 vuotta nuori, kokki, yrittäjä, aarteenetsijä, äiti, vaimo ja nyt siis myös blogisti 😉 Kaikki nuo yllämainitut ovat muokanneet minusta sen mitä nyt olen. Kyyninen, itsekeskeinen, väsynyt, tarkkanäköinen ja hauska aina väärällä hetkellä. Tämä on blogi missä kerron asiat kuten ne itse näen, liittyen elämän kaikkiin alueisiin, mutta lähinnä kuitenkin ruokaan. Olen suomalainen parhaassa iässä ja aikamoinen pastanjauhaja 😉 Tervetuloa 🙂
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